Definition of Pay for

1. Verb. Have as a guest. "I invited them to a restaurant"

Exact synonyms: Invite
Generic synonyms: Interact
Derivative terms: Invitation, Invitatory, Invite, Invitee
Also: Invite Out

Definition of Pay for

1. Verb. To exchange for, especially money for goods or services. ¹

2. Verb. To be punished or held accountable for. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Pay For

pay TV
pay and display
pay as you earn
pay attention
pay back
pay cash
pay check
pay cheque
pay claim
pay cut
pay day
pay dirt
pay envelope
pay for
pay grade
pay heed
pay off
pay one's debt to society
pay one's dues
pay one's last respects
pay out
pay packet
pay rate
pay stub
pay stubs
pay television
pay the bills
pay the debt of nature

Literary usage of Pay for

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1912)
"He seemed vexed at the delay, and said he and his brother would have to pay for most of the work, and that the other property owners were fully able to pay ..."

2. South Eastern Reporter by West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, West Publishing Company, South Carolina Supreme Court (1922)
"In raising the funds to pay for the land and to defray the other expenses, and took the title to them jointly, the purpose being to break their contract ..."

3. Supreme Court Reporter by Robert Desty, United States Supreme Court, West Publishing Company (1914)
"APPEAL from the Court of Claims to review an award to a commissioned Army officer of additional pay for service beyond the seas. Affirmed. ..."

4. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1885)
"a banking house, the vendor to be appointed and hold the office of cashier in permanence, at a salary of $2000, and to pay for the balance of the stock in ..."

5. Oecd Economic Surveys: Russian Federation by Oecd (2006)
"Six methods are used to pay for in-patient care (Figure 5.5): financing of line-item budgets, financing of global budgets, pay per bed- day, ..."

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